Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Shutting Down

All things I have mentioned in this blog is from what I understood from the movie. As an amature blogger what all I mentioned here was a bloody mistake.  Which I realised later. 

Searching and reading more on it I found how idiotic was the move to name it

" The Defects of Interstellar "

I'm noone to question a 8 year s ' workedout strong script from the master minds like Sr. Kip Throne and Jonathan Nolan. I was a fool who thought it was easy to find the spoiler points of a movie made by the perfectionist Christopher Nolan. In a sense Quora helped me a lot. As it concludes I m not Saying that it is completely possible,  but we can't say it can not be done.

After all

It's a science FICTION. 

By the way, 

" I m sure the universe is just a glass bowl kept in an alien child s' bedroom,  which is his school project in which he got C grade "

Friday, June 19, 2015

From Where That Light Comes From

The galexy where cooper and team  reaches contains a black hole and planets.Where  NAZA considers to may have life on it and it shown that every planet they reaches has an atmosphere , light , days and nights. How can that be posible??. The black hole situated in the galexy where there was an active star more than a billion years ago the light source which gives the light,  now it is  has dead. that may also result inthe death of the planets too. it has became a black hole. then how the planets gets light ?? how does the day comes??

A black hole even attracts the light rays then how the planets had days. Even if you consider about a situation like there is a star adjecent to in the galexy. still you can find it can not happen at all. A black hole with another star adjecent is a 0% considerable. Two stars in adjecet is also cant happen at all .You can find why it cant by having a look at the process how the stars are born. I think this might be the biggest negative spot on the script. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Cooper Inside Blackhole
Its shown that in the black hole maze , at back of murph s' library he saw cooper in past convincing murph to let him go to space . so he sents the message "STAY" . Then its shown that he goes out of the room at a glance at the fallen book from the shelf. he screems  "stay.... idiot stay" then TARS contacts him through 5th dimension  gravity connection

But then he found that the singnals are sent by him and TARS , the so called "they" are actually  Tars and cooper himself. then he sents the location of NASA  throught morse language. How can that happen .its shown that the cooper in the past has gone to space. finding location of NASA was happened before that. before the stay message and all. how can  that shown after he gone to space. it doesn't make sense . that sceen was to shown  at first and if  it shown first. then there is a questian that why did  he sent that, if he know its troubble here. and if its shown first then the sceen that he senting that STAY message cant be shown , because it may look contridactry. so Nolan played fare . shown it last to simply confuse ,  he fooled the audians and there by get continuation of the story.

TARS And Cooper
If  TARS and cooper can communicate through the 5th dimensional gravity signal. then  why didn't  TARS communicated  NASA through it. if they can communicate , cooper can also communicate to Amelia. TARS actually sented the complicated location data of them to Murphy. then why didn't  she found TARS and Brand even after that she made a space station by the help of it. and there by succed plan A .

The First Hand Shake & Journey From Garguanta To Worm Hole
Then its shown that the library mazes in the black hole has gone and Cooper suddenly reached the worm hole . then he gave the first handshake to  Brand in the past . how could that happen ?? the black hole is near garguanta and worm hole is near saturn and how did he reached there from the space.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

These Are Some Doubt Arised In My Head After I Saw The Movie Interstellar For The First Time

TIME : Time is a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them.It does not decrease your growth and age , whether you are in another galexy  the time is constant. its just that the earth s" no of revolution is 24 houres and another planet may have less or grater with respect to the speed of the revolution . but still your growth is the same. whether you stayed at 48 hours revolutionary planet or 24 hours. your growth is same.its just that they say your half age.may be the days and night are short or long but your physical change is the same.

BLACK HOLE : black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.it is produced by certain dying stars. if some substance or matter or even light gets inside a black hole , it does not comes back. then how does the interstellar travelles throught the black hole s' event horizone. he says that he is leaving behind himself from the mothership  as per newton says, you have to leave behind something to keep move forward. that is the 3rd law but it is only applicable at earth not outside earth. light is the fastest thing ever found. if black hole even attracts and defeats the speed of light how a space ship can escape from it. when something enters into a black hole, because of it rotates in many direction. if anything is reached event horizone its powerfull attractive rotation tears it apart and the object splits up into many peices, then how does cooper (Hero) gets into the blackhole safely and he at last reaches in the back side of the bookshelf of her daughter s' room.  Did he mean the behind every library wall there is  a black hole??! :)

then afer that how he escaped from the black hole and reach the space back. how could the robot contact with him inside the black hole after some interupt . sound waves are slower than light waves then how could it trasmit out of blackhole.

THE HERO DOUBLE ACT :  At last its found that the ghost was her daddy (Cooper). how it could happen. how can the time go soo slow that , he is present in the back of book shelf as an interstellar as reality and at the same time he is visible himself at the room with the child. is he making a nonsense double act or something??!! :V

the ghost signaled the location of NASA .why does he did that , if he know he is going to this big blackhole troble by that. if he can sent the location , then why cant he sent the mother ship s location by asking the robot. and by that he can rescue brand also. its shown that he saw  the cooper is going to space with NASA from the shelf back.now actually who is the past and who is the present

MANN S' PLANET : There are some big waves acting on Mann s' planet which is soo big that they misunderstood it as a mountain. waves happens only at earth. because of the attreaction of the moon and the gravitaional energy. then how does the tsnami waves comes in mann s' planet.
Dr.Mann says that the tempreture level of the planet at days is under 0 ' C. where even the water falls  clotted and frozed to ice  how can the water,wave,tsnami come??!

HEROIN FOUND NEW PLANET : After going out of black hole how does Heroin (Brand) reached the planet. how she camped there , and the Fire ?? , where is that fire comes from? it means that there is oxygen present in the place shestaying. even if he mean that she found the planet with life , oxygen , then why is she wearing  the helmet in the climax???!!  

COOPER PLANET : When hero comes to cooper plant they said they kept his home exactly like it was as a musium or something. how can it happen. he is now in cooper planet which is found by his daughter. his home was in earth, how could they say like that. the robot TARS was with Brand and she is struck in some other planet , where she camped with light and with the robot. if the robot is there then how does they found it. and re assembled with 95% humer and 75% honesty and all..
the planet cooper is insane . like a curl.its just can not happen at all. if its like that , then gravitaion is around and there is no sky. the cooper planet with upside down model is insanely can not happen.

how could mr.Cooper teleport that 1010101001 binary data to a watch, who is still insidea black hole where no data tranfer takeplace and how the communication between the robot and him stay connected again.

There are many faults and unlogical ideas in nolan s' interstellar. as a movie its good and a little more than good . the direction , cinimotography , acting , casting and all are out of words . the attachment of a daughter and loving father is shown in great extram.  sometimes it  evn makes you cry.
but it does not happens at all. i felt like it was the best movie of nolan when i first saw the filim. but then when  i revice . it does nt make sense . may be the most unlogical movie of nolan was inter stellar  .
but i am still nolanic . hardcore nolan fan. i believe it was an horner to live at the time when nolan was alive. i will still watch nolan s next movie by first day to get out of this limbo